The problem of antibiotic resistance poses a serious challenge to the solutions that we must adopt for the care of patients, especially at the hospital level. Every year 700,000 deaths due to antibiotic resistance are recorded in the world and this figure is increasing year on year.This is why the European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD) was born with the coordination of the ECDC (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control) a new awareness in the correct use of antibiotics, involving all institutional players in the various European countries, to disseminate massive and at
the same time educational information on the use of antibiotics. This initiative joins that of the WHO born in 2015, World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW), to raise awareness of the prudent use of antibiotics.
ADRANOX® for its part, pays the full attention to the biocidal tests of its products, with regard to the killing of bacteria, fungi and viruses, to allow providing solutions not only in line with the provisions of European legislation but also to respond to the emerging problem of multidrug-
resistant pathogens.