Home » Disinfection & Hygiene » Manual Reprocessing » Lysonox® Instruments DR

Class IIb Medical Device

New generation multi-enzymatic disinfectant and detergent, for the simultaneous high-performance disinfection and cleaning of surgical and dental instruments, medical devices in general and endoscopic equipments.


  • High cleaning power, combined with a broad spectrum of biocidal activity
  • Excellent compatibility with various materials
  • Neutral pH
  • Encapsulated enzymatic complex with 4 enzymes
  • Can be used both in soaking baths and in ultrasonic baths
  • Safe to be used by operators (CMR-free)
  • Prevents oxidative and corrosive effects


High performance disinfection and simultaneous cleaning of surgical and dental instruments and medical devices in general. For use in manual and ultrasonic bath. Suitable for the collection of dirty instruments. Indicated for high performance disinfection and simultaneous cleaning of endoscopic equipments.


N,N-Didecyl-N-methylpoly(oxyethyl)ammonium propionate, N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3-diamine, multienzyme complex and excipients.

Disinfection and cleaning of surgical instruments Dos: 0,5% 5-15 min
Disinfection and cleaning in ultrasonic baths Dos: 0,5% 5-15 min
Collection of dirty instruments Dos: 1,0% 5-20 min
Disinfection and cleaning of endoscopy equipment Dos: 1,0-2,5% 5-15 min

*Contact ADRANOX® directly for any specific uses not indicated in this document.

Antimicrobial properties
Bactericidal Yeasticidal Tubercolicidal Virucidal
Single unit Packaging Content REF
Bottle 12 pcs 1 L ADMR100.10
Canister 4 pcs 5 L ADMR100.50

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